The Goalie

  • Sale
  • Regular price $799.00

The Goalie (video below) is the best shooter tutor on the market today.  There are three things that make The Goalie unique:

  • Material:  The Goalie itself is made of high density closed cell foam to replicate a goalie pad.  Compared to a sheet of plastic, which is commonly used in other shooter tutors, The Goalie surface gives more realistic rebounds.  The high density closed cell foam surface also makes it sound more realistic.  It sounds like you hit a set of goalie pads, not a piece of plastic
  • Stand Alone Frame:  The Goalie stands on its own.  It doesn't hang or hook onto the net.  How many shooter tutors have you or your rink thrown away after the bungees are broken? Do you have time to haul a heavy piece of plastic and hang it on your goal?  What do you do with the heavy piece of plastic when you are done with it?  Haul it back off the ice?  These problems are solved with The Goalie.  When you ask the zamboni driver to throw out your goals for your practice or drop in hockey, just ask for The Goalie.  It will slide onto the ice.  When you want to use it, slide it into the net.  When you are done using it, or need to get pucks that are behind it, slide it out of the net.  Just push it to the side when it's not in use.  It is that easy.  The stand alone frame also allows The Goalie to be place at an angle in front of the net for drills where a real human goalie would be centered up on a shooter that is taking a shot from the face off circle area.
  • Rebounder:  The Goalie has a built in rebounder.  You no longer have to buy a shooter tutor and rebounder separate.  Add up the cost of these two items, and the price is more than The Goalie.

Use The Goalie for practice, training or your next drop in hockey when the goalie doesn't show up.  It's the best shooter tutor on the market today.

  • $150 freight shipping due to size to USA and Canada
  • must provide commercial address